SPINIFEX 8.25'' Skateboard Deck - Teal Hayes

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SPINIFEX 8.25'' Skateboard Deck - Teal Hayes

Spinifex Skateboards started in the heart of central Australia on Eastern Arrernte Country.

And it ain’t just any old skate brand…

Ltyentye Apurte (Santa Teresa) sits just 80kms south-east of Mparntwe (Alice Springs) in the heart of the Central Australian Desert. Ltyentye Apurte is home to the first indoor skatepark of its kind to exist in a remote community in the Northern Territory.

“The idea came to me many years ago and as there was nowhere really to skate in Ltyentye Apurte, I campaigned to get an indoor skate park built within the sport and recreation shed and became the Northern Territory’s first Indigenous qualified skateboard instructor. From there and from following my dream, we’ve come so far and now we have Spinifex Skateboards!” says Nicky Hayes. Nicky is an Arrernte man and Traditional Owner from Ltyentye Apurte and the founder of Spinifex Skateboards.

The skatepark was built back in 2015 and since then it has been a huge success and has drawn attention nationwide. “I have received a lot of support through the community, my employer, local news and radio stations as well as equipment, funding and clothing donations, all of which I am very grateful for.” 

One of the benefits of this program is that it engages both males and females. “I knew that the newly built facility would bring much more than just rolling around on a board. I want to provide a chance for young people to try new things and be engaged on other levels and expose them to a world and community outside of their own” says Nicky. “This largely non-competitive sport is an all-inclusive platform where you can find solidity while building comradery and companionship.” 

Once the kids got skating, Nicky didn’t stop there. Spinifex Skateboards was developed in support of the possibility of facilitating skate trips. “We could sell T-shirts to help the kids go on trips” said Nicky. Now not only do we have Spinifex Skateboards but we held our inaugural Spinifex Skateboards First Nations Skate Tour in January 2020. All proceeds made from the sale of Spinifex Skateboards merchandise will go towards our annual skate trips across Australia.  

Nicky Hayes would also like to personally thank the Ltyentye Apurte and Mparntwe communities for all their support.